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Agricredit, Research & Integrated Consulting Solutions (AGRICS) Ltd

We provide agribusiness consultancy and advisory solution services to Agribusiness Firms & Associations, Government MDAs & Development Organizations and Financial and Allied Institutions

AGRICS Ltd ......Facilitating access to Agribusiness Knowledge, Finance and Markets   
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About Us

Agricredit, Research and Integrated Consulting Solutions (AGRICS) Ltd is an agribusiness consulting firm registered and incorporated in Nigeria by the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) and headquartered in Abuja, Nigeria. AGRICS Ltd is a subsidiary of Usreedt Weach. It provides agriconsulting solutions at Usreedt Agro-Services Centre (UASC) in several rural and semi-urban communities across Nigeria. The firm delivers consultancy solutions in research, training and credit as a strategic approach to meeting the knowledge and funding needs of Nigeria’s agribusiness economy. At AGRICS, we blend research and training on technical and business skills with innovative risk management models to facilitate financial institutions’ lending to agribusiness firms along the entire agricultural enterprise value chain. AGRICS partners with research institutes, government agencies, NGOs, financial institutions and private firms to provide its products and services that enable individuals, firms, organisations and government institutions excel in their agribusiness pursuits in today’s highly competitive environment. The firm is committed to developing in its staff and clients, the ability and passion to work creatively and efficiently for the betterment of Nigeria’s agribusiness sector.


AGRICS Ltd is managed by highly qualified and experienced agribusiness, credit risk management and education professionals with support from its partners in the agrindustry firms, financial institutions, government agencies, development organizations and academia who are specialists in fields related to agribusiness research, training, finance, investment and development.


Why Choose AGRICS Ltd?

  • Our positive view of agribusiness

We see every agribusiness risk and challenge as a potential opportunity, and we believe in turning these opportunities into profits for our clients. In Nigeria, the agribusiness sector holds huge potentials and opportunities that are locked in myriads of problems. Our approach is identifying the most efficient strategies to unlocking these potentials and turning them into profits. 

  • Highly experience and committed team of experts

We have a team experts with many years of industry experience in agribusiness, finance, credit risk management, research and training. We adopt holistic and strategic partnership approach in the implementation of agribusiness projects and programmes.

  • Efficient and result-oriented approach anchored on strong institutional relationships

Given the industry backgrounds of our team and value chain partners, we have built strong working relationships with agribusiness development & financing institutions (FMARD, CBN, NIRSAL, Banks, Insurance firms, NGOs, etc) in Nigeria. Our team has excellent knowledge of agribusiness and financing products. We understand the information needs and requirements of the various financial institutions and agribusiness firms, hence we package the most appropriate bankable business plans/proposals while following up to ensure that our clients' funding requests are approved and disbursed.

  • Commitment to quality and punctuality

At AGRICS Ltd, we do not compromise on the quality of our service outputs. We strive to meet the quality expectations of our clients while delivering our services within the agreed timelines.

What We Do

At AGRICS, We offer and deliver consultancy services to agribusiness firms and associations, government institutions, development organizations, and financial and allied institutions.​​

  • Access to Loans, Credits & Grants   
  • Operational Costs Reduction Strategies
  • Increased Sales Revenues
  • Human Resource & Risk Management
  • AgriCredit Risk Management
  • Industry & Development-based Research
  • AgriFinance Products & Models Development
  • Agrinvestment Planning & Management
  • SHFs Cooperatives Management & Extension services
  • Professional & Technical Training

  • Research Training, Grants & Journal Publications

  • Academic Admission & Scholarships assistance

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Our Vision
To be one of the most renowned and trusted agribusiness consultancy firms that facilitates access to high quality research, training and credit services to private and public agribusiness organizations in Nigeria.


Our Mission

To contribute in unlocking Nigeria's agribusiness potentials through innovative, customized and market-oriented research, training, M & E and advisory services that impact our clients, local communities and Nigeria's economy.

Our Core Values

Our core values reflect our work and are captured with the acronym “S.C.I.T.E”

  • Solution-driven: We go beyond service, we are committed to delighting our clients by providing agribusiness solutions in the most efficient and effective manner.

  • Client-focused: Our clients' satisfaction is our primary concern, hence we must give our clients an edge by adding value to their agribusiness pursuit.

  • Innovation: We challenge ourselves to be creative, to do things differently better to meet our clients’ aspirations and contribute to the advancement of mankind.

  • Team work: We work together to create better results by supporting one another and tapping into our collective wisdom.

  • Excellence: We strive to maintain our integrity and reputation by exhibiting the highest professional and ethical standards in all aspect of our teaching, research and consultancy services  as an independent organization.

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Dr. Uchenna Obih (PhD)
Managing Partner and Lead Consultant
B.Sc (Agric Economics & Extension), M.Sc (Rural Development), PhD (Agric Economics) FCILRM
He has over 14 years of banking experience in agribusiness financing which cut across six commercial banks in Nigeria. 
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Dr. Ebenezer Adeola (PhD)
Senior Technical Partner, Education & Training
B. A (Edu), M.Ed, PhD (Comp. Edu)
He has over 28 years of experience in educational training and human empowerment in both private and public sectors.
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Mr Samuel R. Tortiv
Specialist, GAPs & Farmers Coop. Management
B.Sc (Economics), M.Sc (Agribusiness)
He has over 2 years banking experience in relationship management and 10 years practical experience in crop farming and farmers' cooperative management.
Dr. Yusuf O. Muhammed (PhD)
Senior Technical Partner, Finance & Risk Management
B.Sc (Bus Admin), PGD (Credit Mgt), MBA (Finance), M.Sc. (Finance & Financial Law), DBA, CFIA, ICMA, FCILRM, FCIB, FCMA. FNIM
He has over 26 years banking experience in finance and credit risk management across commercial banks in Nigeria.
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Dr Anselem U. Amadi (PhD)
Senior Technical Partner, Environmental Management
B.Sc (Agric Econs & Ext), M.Sc (Env. Resource Mgt), PhD (Environmental Management)
He has over 25 years of experience in providing environmental management consultancy services in both private and public sectors
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Mr James Terna Ngor
Specialist, Crop Farming & Soil Fertility Management
B. Agric (Crop Production & Soil Science), M.Sc. (in view)
He has over 10 years of experience in
plant bio-resources development.
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Dr. Chukwuemeka I. Eke (PhD)
Senior Technical Partner
, Research & Publications
B.Sc (Econs), M.Sc. (Econs), PhD (Telecomms Econs)
He has over 20 years of experience in University teaching, research and academic publications in local and international Journals, Books and Conference proceedings.
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Dr James O. Apochi (PhD)
Senior Technical Partner, Aquaculture & Fisheries
B.Tech. (Applied Zoology), M.Sc (Fisheries), PhD (Aquaculture
He has over 30 years of managing fisheries and aquaculture projects in both private and public sectors.
Mr Emmanuel Akpa
Specialist, Rural agro-commodity trading
B. Eng (E. Eng)
He has over 15 years of experience in agro-commodity trading & logistics in rural areas of Nigeria.
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